Frequently Asked Questions

The charger and the vehicle are designed to lock the charging cables in place to avoid theft and unwanted disconnection. The charger will keep the cable locked in place while the charging session is active. The way to end a charging session will vary slightly from vehicle to vehicle.

Most vehicles will end a charging session if you unlock the car and remove the cable from the vehicle side first. Some require you to end the charging session via the car app or from inside the car menu.

It is worthwhile checking your vehicles user manual on the way to end a charging session.

If you have started a charging session and get and error in the app or direct payment page. Please ensure that the charger or vehicle has not “timed out”. This can occur when the charging cable has been plugged into the vehicle for over 120 seconds. Try again and plug the car in just before you push the “Start Charging” button on your phone.

Check the status of the charger in the app to ensure it’s “online”

Yes, we accept all major credit cards for payments.

Download and install the Chargebay App on your Android or Apple device.

Step 1 .Plug your cable into the charger (if it’s a BYO cable station)

Step 2. Plug your cable into you car

Step 3. Find the charge point in the Chargebay App. This should be the one closest to you that is showing it’s “ready to charge”

Step 4. Click on the “Charge Now”

The charge point ID is typically found on a sticker next the charge lead/socket. You can also use this QR code to start a charging session without an app.

Alternatively, if you have a Chargebay RFID card, you can simply tap the card on the charger to start and stop the charging session.

When you select a charging station in the Chargebay App you will have the costs visible. This will display c/kWh, sessions costs and any standby charges which may apply if your vehicle is left plugged in after your car is not longer being charged.


We welcome your feedback. You can click on the feedback button on the left hand menu.

Alternatively, you can call our hotline for feedback or to simply ask questions on how to use the charging station.

EV chargers typically come in two varieties, tethered and untethered. The tethered variant has the charging lead built in. The untethered provides a socket that will require you to bring your own cable.You can buy a cable from us from our Product page.

Sure, feel free to get in touch via the feedback button and we can help set you up with our Fleet module.

Some of our chargers have built in Credit Card readers. If you come across one of these, you can simply tap your credit card to start charging. Otherwise, we will have a QR code on each charger for “one time payments” via a webpage.

Choosing the right EVSE (Electric vehicle supply equipment) for your home can be a daunting task. There are many different options on the market and it can be hard to get the one that best suits your needs.Typically, most homes will have either a single or three phase grid connection. This is important as it may influence your charger choice.The options are: AC Chargers
  • Single or three phase (7kW or 22kW)
  • Smart or Dumb (can the charger monitor other loads like solar, total household energy or is it just a power point?)
  • Access control (do you want to prevent unauthorized use?)
  • Tethered or Un-tethered (charger with a built in cable or socket)
  • Billing (do you need to integrate billing with your fleet/fuel card?)
DC Chargers
  • Vehicle to Grid
  • How fast do you need to charge?
  • Smart or Dumb (can the charger monitor other loads like solar, total household energy or is it just a power point?)

If you see an “e-stop” error on the charger it means the emergency stop button was pushed. This is a big red button mounted on the charger. It can be reset by turning the button. You should see it pop back out and the charger will reset.